Friday, June 14, 2019

Enjoy Up-Close Parking

You may have noticed the latest trend in new parking places around the Austin area.  Plug-in vehicles now have their own designated places to park at many large businesses and municipalities.  There are even special parking places along many of Austin's major thoroughfares where you can park and charge your Electric Vehicle (EV). According to Austin Energy, there are 400 charging stations in the Austin area with more being added each day. 

Don Hewlett Chevrolet carries the all-electric Chevrolet Bolt EV and an extended range plug-in hybrid vehicle the Chevrolet Volt.  Both qualify for the appropriate accommodations and Federal Tax Credits.  When you think of an Electric Vehicle think of how you use your Smart Phone.  You keep it charged and ready to use because it is your lifeline to communication, social media, and much more.  Just like your phone, you’ll want to keep your electric car charged for use. Most EV owners charge their cars overnight, but take comfort in knowing that they have an opportunity to plug-in at the special parking places around town.

The Volt has a range of 420 total miles with a full charge and a full tank of gas. The battery charge will last up to 53 miles then will seamlessly switch over to gas to extend your range, giving you the peace of mind to go hundreds of miles more.  

The Bolt EV allows you to drive 238 miles on one full charge.  If the average daily commute is 40 miles round trip, you can get through the entire work week without needing a charge.  Plus, the Bolt EV requires less maintenance than a gas vehicle.  You can forget about oil changes and engine upkeep!  

   Great parking, flexible driving and smart technology are great reasons to go Electric!

If you want to Lead the Charge, come test drive the Bolt and Volt at Don Hewlett Chevrolet.  

We look forward to assisting you!
-Mike Stephens

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